
It is always that first sentence, the first word, that is the hardest. If I can just push myself to make that first sentence then this weight will finally be off my chest. I can do this


Thank you for voting on Life With Nia and adding it to your reading list! I also really appreciated your comment - it gave me something to think about as I continue writing, and I thank you for that!


I can't tell you how happy this makes me! I'm glad I was able to write something that's true to an experience besides my own - knowing that she was able to relate to it is honestly one of the best compliments I can receive. Thank you for sharing this with her, and thank you for reading!


@ecclestonfan1 an update! I had my roommate read what you had so far and she said she had to put it down due to "vietnam flashbacks" haha! She agreed that your story was very true to nature and amazingly written. <3


Thank you so much! This entire exchange made my night!


Hi. Just gonna pop a question.. why the need of creating another wattpad profile (besides your old one) ? Hope you don't find my curiosity annoying, sorry in advance.  I am so new here. Thanks


@PurrfectlyHere   i see.  i hope things went great for you. Thank you for the reply


@fishermannn  welcome to the wonderful world of Wattpad! I felt the need for a new profile to start a new chapter in my life (buh dum pss) but seriously, i wanted to start fresh and I'm glad I did. A change of pace and a new empty journal got the mind flowing!