Thanks for the votes on my poems hun! Also I noticed you have a dedication from the first story I wrote on here which I just thought was cool. I hope you have a nice day!
Just a heads up, I won't be able to do much editing or writing for a while because school's about to start and I have marching band and debate to worry about. Sorry, but I thought I'd let you know!
Oh its okay, and I fanned you because I'm reading one of your stories and, its amazing. I sometimes check the people that fan me, their stories. Not stalkerish or anything, I just like to read at night sometimes and I need things to enjoy myself with. x)
@babyhayes yeah I did because I was rereading it and I couldn't even read it myself I was so bored :D I decided to start it over, change the characters a little bit, but what happened before my new chapters basically still happened, I just chose to start the story at a later time. :) I hope that made sense to you, but if it didn't I could always re-explain it :P