
okay, I know some of you here must be systems or know someone with multiplicity so I would just like to say that alters are valid and exist, please remember to always take care of them since all alters have their own dark history!
          	they endured the same tr@um# as you so please take care of you, your system and the system's body.
          	every system is valid and beautiful no matter the size and quietness, have a nice day everyone :)
          	- @H0NEY-B33


okay, I know some of you here must be systems or know someone with multiplicity so I would just like to say that alters are valid and exist, please remember to always take care of them since all alters have their own dark history!
          they endured the same tr@um# as you so please take care of you, your system and the system's body.
          every system is valid and beautiful no matter the size and quietness, have a nice day everyone :)
          - @H0NEY-B33


Hey Beauties, Queenie here.
          I have no excuse. I mean I have many, but none that are valid. I am so sorry for having been gone for so long, this account has been far more inactive than I thought. And a majority of that is on me. 
          I will be contacting the admins, a couple of them have not spoken to me in a very long time, and I am opening up the position for Admin up again as a few I'm 90% sure are no longer active at all. 
          I'll be going through and accepting requests for writers and such as well, and I have had some new ideas as well to add to the account. 
          I really hope you guys know I'll do my best to not slip away like this again. Life got overwhelming in a couple ways I never imagined, and I am at this point pretty burnt out. 
          But I have time, and I need to recognize that ❤
          I love you guys! I'm so sorry for being so inactive.


@queer_as_can_be thank you for understanding ❤


@PutYouFirst hey its ok don't beat yourself up over it life happens and it's ok to take breaks


I am very sorry, I'm sorry That I haven't been on here for a while, 
          [the reason for that, is cause I am currently in the middle of my 1-year-hiatus]
          But I'd like to say as quickly and briefly as possible that I am so proud of you all. You guys are some of the most eccentric, talented and morally intelligent people I've ever seen. Being told that someone is proud of you isn't something that gets said to us, I know for me at least. If I can't get it said for myself, I'll say it for you all because you deserve it. I'm proud of all of you,
          and when I come back I hope all of you are happy and healthy, I wish you all a happy and safe year and peace
          ♦ Kaneko ♦


@PutYouFirst I'm proud of you all ass well takes guts to do stuff like this so i am proud of you


*sigh* I'm tired guys. 
          Remember that no matter what you believe in, support, your gender, race/ethnicity, or sexual orientation, you are loved, accepted, and valued. You should never feel put down for your belief or anything about you. 
          I'm struggling with a couple of different bullies on this website already, and I just got back from a break! Please know I'm here to support you if you need, may you have an absolutely amazing day!
          ☕Atta Babes☕


@PutYouFirst ugh, forget those bullies


@queer_as_can_be thank you so much you're the best ❤❤❤


Hey Guys, 
          There's this person named @Grace_is_Fitz who is thinking of committing suicide. Some of their followers are mine and they are really worried. Can we reach out?


@reachingfortheskye17 no worries, just wanted to keep it updated for others who may see this


@reachingfortheskye17 absolutely! The updated user is @Chandler_0845 and last I knew she is at better terms, but we are always up for spreading love!


Daily reminders! Everyone please read!
          Blacks, you are loved and supported! You are so strong and deserve the absolute world! Do not let your voice be silenced EVER
          Christians, you are strong and valid. It is a tough journey, keep your eyes on Him and Him alone ❤
          LGBTQ+, you are absolutely amazing! You have been bold, brave, and so so proud. We are proud with and of you, stay amazing and don't ever be belittled by homophobic belief.
          Mentally ill/unstable, your emotions and thoughts are valid and complex. Share them with someone you trust, and be confident, you've got this ❤
          Insecure, you are beautiful and confident in your own way. Everyone has one attribute that makes them unique and amazing, find yours and treasure it, then learn to treasure yourself ❤
          Disabled, you are the strongest. More than we could imagine, which we usually can't. You put up with more in a day than I have the patience for in a week, keep your diligence and heart strong.
          You are valid, valued, strong, confident, and loved. 
          Be proud. Be loud. Do not be put down by petty opinions. You are so much stronger.
          Stay you!
          ☕Atta Babes☕


@PutYouFirst true true thats kinda how i felt learning i was queer it isn't a lable i i don't need a label honestly 


@queer_as_can_be I kind of feel the same, but I'm also okay with it. It feels really cool knowing that my lack of obsession over boys or girls isn't necessarily something wrong with me, but a valid and accepted orientation and preference


@PutYouFirst that really sucks I'm sorry demisexual isn't nearly as discussed as it should be 


Hey, i'm Andie and I'm the new admin.
          I'm here to help all those who need help.
          Is a pleasure for me to be part of this group.
          Thank you!


@PutYouFirst Hey there Andie! I'm rabbit lover ❤️ Welcome to the group!


@PutYouFirst WELCOMEEEE ❤️❤️


Welcome ✨♥️


Positive though of the day!
          Give me a positive thought, tell me something that went right today, tell me something amazing happening this afternoon, I want to hear all about how amazing your life is right this moment ❤
          ☕Atta Babes☕


@Smol_Gorilla_ XD I can relate, I had a chance for the same peace a week ago but instead I decided to volunteer so I was with her, should have stayed home >.<


@PutYouFirst My sister is at gymnastics camp so... wait what’s that sound? The sound of peace and quiet something that isn’t usually heard around here