Shitting myself rn. Imagine being ur lowest point and parents still pressure u tho its finally school break. I dont want to promote, I dont want to play competitions anymore Im so tired. Everything is so loud and I still have to work. I cant vent to anyone because people dont fvcking listen and my only comforter isnt here. Please, can I just quit? Im so so close to breaking and yet u just think Im lazy. Im not lazy Im just burnt out. I rlly want to give up so much. It rlly pains when nobody is just there to understand. I cant get enough please, I cannot handle it. Im pleading Im begging and yet my voice isnt loud enough to hear. Everything is so loud in my ears yet u dont have ears to hear my silent cries? I bottle up my feelings all because once I broke down ull just think Im an attention seeker. I cant handle this. I cant handle anymore of ur expectations. I dont know what to do anymore and Ive been loosing myself. I dont have energy anymore, I dont have motivation, I dont have something to help me.