Hi to all! if u would like to take 5 mints of ur time to read this long ass author msg then thanks in advance.Now u can read them.
Hi again .I don't anybody or anyone care to see this account anyways, but still since there's lots of requests in the books to update & asking abt the Inkitt app account, here's an info. I don't just update there without updating here. So dont think I'm just keep on updating there, than here.
Like everyone else ( authors mostly) I do hav a reason. Now don't go & think 'Aaahhh these authors hav nothing but a f***g excuse everythime'. But nope personally very few here knws that I got married 1 1/2 yrs before ( almost 2) , but I'm getting divorced. So yeah writing some love stories when u rarely hav any romance in ur life is a big conflict here!!!
I'm really trying to look past it & be like a professional & finish my stories here though!!! But damn couldn't find any inspiration to write them. As if my all energy is drained out of my body, I couldn't think rationally.
I did indeed sat & typed some chapters to some books, but found it was like a dead end. But soon I hav to finish these stories, I do knw that. As an author it's my responsibility. I'll do that. Don't wry it won't take an eternity & all. And I'm damn sure I won't be alive for eternity too. LOL.
Anyways still I thought it's high time I should say something to the readers though!! I knw most people read my stories don't follow me. But why I'm posting here is cause if they wanted to knw the update abt my stories, they can see this msg & knw abt it, that's why!
Again, I'll try to finish it soon. And I'm damn sure many people literally would hav droped reading these stories or forgotten even. I would hav done the same too. But still if anybody reads or not I hav to finish it. As I started something in a public platform, it's my responsibility to finish them. And I'll .