
@Reagan21 Hey there! Sorry for the late reply , nothing much- i'm good, you okay?  :]


Hi friend of Keef who randomly fanned me... Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm not flattered that I've got a new fan... But what exactly swayed you to become a fan? Considering I've got no works up and all :P But I do believe I meant to become a fan of YOU after reading your works, but sadly I forgot =[ Ah well, it's never too late. Look, a new fan! =]


@State-of-the-ART HEY there!
          Haha, thanks, they're lyrics that inspire me :) 
          I remember visiting your profile and fanning because I wanted to check out your poems when I had time (at the time my mum was kicking me off of the laptop ><) but never got round to doing it because I didn't have any access to internet Dx
          Awh thanks, yours is just stunning- is that you? :) 
          London is okay :) ; I don't live in the central part of it though- east end, very different xP 
          Whereabouts are you from? 
          Sorry for the eons late reply D: 
          Just got internet back :D 
          Thanks for stopping by :] x