
Ah, shyte  Had some problems cuz my parents found out what wattpad was -_- I should be back online once every few days, but I can’t promise anything as I’m busy with homework/personal problems 
          	Have a nice day! :)


Eclipse sat quietly by Clover,
          When suddenly a loud gunshot came from the edge of the pond. Clover felt an arm move in front of her in a defensive manner, and she watched Eclipse as his face turned from calm to determined, ready to attack. 
          The trees shook at the other end of the pond, a sharp wind clawing at them like an angry lion
          Oh, I don’t have a word count so I tried to count them myself
          That ended miserably as you could probably guess


Eclipse lay there half awake, before realising how close Clover was. He felt his face warm up as blood rushed to it, and he backed away as fast as his arms would let him.Clover started to laugh at his
          embarrassed reaction, only causing Eclipse to blush more.
          It was pretty obvious that Eclipse did like Clover, even though if someone were to ask him, he would most likely deny it. But everyone knew, even Clover.
           Charlie loved fish, especially the peanut butter shaped ones


Clover woke first, gazing through the grass. She sat upright and looked around, before her eyes landed on Eclipse, peacefully laying by her. Clover spread herself across the floor and felt the breeze blow the grass between her fingers. She thought of how peaceful it was, and how if cinder was here he- 
          Eclipse clenched a handful of earth in his hand as he woke, staring at Clover and she turned on her side to face him.    
          I really hate my writing but I do this for fun so ye 


Chapter 3-fireflies
          Eclipse scrambled up the cliff side, his hand finding a tree root at the top. As he pulled himself up, he signalled to clover that she could come to.
          After Eclipse had lifted Clover over the cliffs edge, they carried on through the forest, only to find a small, glowing bug, that Eclipse attempted to catch. Clover ran after him until he suddenly came to a halt, missing a large pond by millimetres. Eclipse in the grass, dipping his feet into the cool water. Clover soon joined him and they sat there for a while, and before they knew it, the sun had almost completely disappeared. It was completely silent, apart from the slight hum from the thousands of tiny fireflies that scattered across the sky like stars, and the occasional drip of dew splashing into the pond. All was calm. Clover started to fall asleep, and she rested her head on Eclipses shoulder. Eclipse could feel his cheeks turn a little pink, and did a shitty job hiding it, but it’s not like anyone was there to see, so he didn’t really care. 
          To his surprise, and it might’ve been the first time he ever heard any sound coming from Clover, she started to hum a melody that Eclipse had never heard before, but he seemed to know it well. He hummed along and they stayed like that for a while, until eventually Eclipse fell asleep to


Alpine nodded and scurried over, she then sat crossed legged in front of Flare, before reaching behind her and unlocking the chains. They sat in silence for a while, Alpine staring straight into Flares solid black eyes (still trying to figure out if she HAD eyes) while Flare looked around the room, she saw posters of a few anime’s she recognised, the lamp that gave the room a warm orange glow, some paperwork that sat peacefully on the desk and floor. Anywhere but at the reptile-like girl sat a little too close for her liking. Alpine opened their mouth to say something, but before they could get a single word out, the door slowly creaked open. It hung ajar for a moment until a small purple and yellow head popped through the side, and a little child in a hoodie hopped over to them. Flare backed away a little before asking Alpine who this was. Alpine explained to her how she had found her near the tower, and that she was taking care of them until their parents were found, even though the small child never seemed to show any signs or mention anything about ever having parents. 
          After explaining this all to them, Flare asked “so why did you bring me here?”  
          “because I need help.... I don’t 
          think I can take care of a child like this myself...” Flare glared blankly at her and Alpine looked at the floor, the small child (I will refer to them a ‘miko’) tried to sit in between them. Eventually Flare replied, “only if you tell me where my bro is.” 
          Pls reply if you’re reading, I still don’t know if people are 


this message may be offensive
Flares eyes hung half open for a while as she tried to get a grip on the situation. She gazed around the room, before realising she wasn’t alone. Another girl, who looked about a year younger than her, sat asleep at a desk. Her red and yellow hair was spread across paperwork, and their blue face was only partly visible under a book. Even if Flare couldn’t see much of the being, she could instantly recognise them as their old friend, Alpine.
          It had been a few hours since Flare woke up, and they where properly awake now. They had been tugging on chains for the last 30 minutes, but was close to giving up any hope of escaping. Why would alpine lock them up? She thought to herself. Before she could think of an answer, She heard a book hit the floor, causing her to gasp and jolt in the direction of this sound. Alpine giggled at such a powerful teen being startled by a book hitting the floor, and Flare did nothing but shoot them a ‘what’s going on?’ Look from across the room. Alpine cautiously paced over to them, making sure not to look too threatening. Although they may have tried too hard, as Flare then said “I’m not fucking scared of you, ya know.”   
          That’s the next part if anyone’s reading this.. 


Flare was climbing through the forest, stepping especially hard on the dry leaves, feeling them crunch under her bare feet. It was a warm autumn evening and the sun shone through the trees, giving off a heavenly glow. As beautiful as it was, Flare could only feel the burning on the back of their neck. “Great. Feels great to burn alive.” She muttered under her breath. Soon enough she reached the clearing they had been looking for. Flare paused for a second before entering, smelling the air for traps. A sickly sweet scent burnt the back of their neck as she began to run away, but it was too late. The last thing flare could remember before blacking out was a pair of claw-like feet paving towards her. 
          The rest aren’t nearly as good as this one but let me know what you think :)