
          	I'd be happy to help, please email me and we'll work from there :)


So you messaged me a while back and was offering your services. I never got around to emailing them to you (sorry about that) and I started to write another book and I was wondering if you were still offering the Editing Service. If so can you please message and I will get back to you as quick as I can. Thanks!


          Oh, no. I never significantly alter any work that I edit. I deal with mistakes in the most subtle way I can and if I feel any part of the work needs more than that, I email the Author and discuss problems with them. The same applies to any other concerns or requests they may have. Still, happy to help if I can...
           ~ Pyrophage @}~


Hey sorry to be getting back to you so late. I would really love your help but I have some concerns. I've had other people help me in the past with stuff that I've written in a journal. They would usually change the story and it would never become truly mine because of all the things that have been changed. I would still love help though. Please get back to me whenever you can!