
My teacher gave me the weirdest he we have to read a weird book called The Cay like what the hell is a cay? Honestly my English teacher is weird when I walked in class she gave us cleasning wipes and said start cleaning where Coronavirus proofing the classroom it lasted for half the period bro I was dancing on the desk and this kid named brendon ,but his nickname is brenda and when he was cleaning he said oh my god I'm a woman now and dropped way to the floor and get up like he was flexing 


I don't know a supermarket? Maybe?


Roses are Red
          Violets are Blue 
          I was looking for a friend 
          And I’ve found you! 
          Send this to 20 of your amazing friends!
          If you break this chain, nothing will happen 
          It’s just good that someone thinks of you 
          As an amazing friend.


My teacher gave me the weirdest he we have to read a weird book called The Cay like what the hell is a cay? Honestly my English teacher is weird when I walked in class she gave us cleasning wipes and said start cleaning where Coronavirus proofing the classroom it lasted for half the period bro I was dancing on the desk and this kid named brendon ,but his nickname is brenda and when he was cleaning he said oh my god I'm a woman now and dropped way to the floor and get up like he was flexing 


I don't know a supermarket? Maybe?