Going on a hiatus for awhile, I'm trying to get an agent for an acting job. Requests will still be written while I'm gone, but won't be published until I'm back. 
          	I apologize for any inconvenience but this job is more important than requests right now. 
          	(Fun Fact: They need new cast members for Stranger Things 3. *wink, wonk*)


Going on a hiatus for awhile, I'm trying to get an agent for an acting job. Requests will still be written while I'm gone, but won't be published until I'm back. 
          I apologize for any inconvenience but this job is more important than requests right now. 
          (Fun Fact: They need new cast members for Stranger Things 3. *wink, wonk*)


I don't know about you guys, but how do you all feel about fan theories on certain subjects like Eleven being based off of Jean Grey from The Dark Phoenix? 
          I kind of want to write some theories for you all, so I can see what you all think about them (I'll be doing my research for them, obviously).


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. 


 Well I can't help with that if I could I would've done it to my self 


@cat-is-a-slut Well, Beetlejuice, I need sleep, a life, a will to live...just give me what you got.


To anyone who hasn't gotten a reply on their requests, I was on an unexpected hiatus and my electronics were taken from me. I apologise to anyone who had a request, I'm going to start looking at them and writing them. 
          P.S. I'll be writing the first few chapters of my Stanley Uris fic and maybe a Finn Wolfhard or Mike Wheeler fic. 
          Drop a comment in the Towel Section if you'd rather see a Mike or a Finn fic.


this message may be offensive
You know, what's worse than periods? 
          Satan making his red, unholy river flow on your fucking birthday (which was yesterday but that's not the point)!
          And to think I actually liked you Lucifer (SMH).


@QUEEN-OF-EVERYTHING- but......luci is daddyyyyyy