For those who care or are wondering, Yes I did delete His Biggest Regret simply because I'm in a different place in my life. I am entering my 20s and while One Direction was and will always be a special part of my life, I don't have the same passion for the story like I used to. I might revisit it in the future but it will no longer be a priority.
          	I will be writing new stories and one day, I might gain the courage to publish but for now, please be patient. I hope you all will love to go on this new journey with me...


For those who care or are wondering, Yes I did delete His Biggest Regret simply because I'm in a different place in my life. I am entering my 20s and while One Direction was and will always be a special part of my life, I don't have the same passion for the story like I used to. I might revisit it in the future but it will no longer be a priority.
          I will be writing new stories and one day, I might gain the courage to publish but for now, please be patient. I hope you all will love to go on this new journey with me...


Hi, may you please update His Biggest Regret please? Thanks


THANK YOU x4667699000 I thought you just forgot about this story like others in my library! thanks I will go read it now 


@sundus100 New chapter up now! Next one very soon! Thanks for the support.


Thank you so much ❤❤❤❤


@chanmapan i figured as much thank you anyway sweetie xx


@chanmapan I am so sorry. I confused u with someone else. 


@chanmapan You lost me who is Dillion? 