Happy to say I’m gonna be rewriting Nowhere near destination zero, maybe change the name too


Currently working on ‘Caught on the tracks’. I’ve completely redone the prologue and I’m determined to finally get chapter one out sometime over the next week or so now that shits finally calmed down. Bare with me folks, make sure to check out Prologue when you get the chance :)


So like, I’ve seen people adding my slasher book, No where near destination zero to their libraries that have names like ‘good but discontinued’. Like dude, not once have I said that it’s discontinued (I hope I haven’t anyways), I’m just on hatius right now taking a much needed break cause writing on here is kicking my ass. Also like, that book needs heavily reworked, I’ve improved a lot w my writing since I last posted a chapter.


Bruh no way I went up like 7 followers since Josh posted that chapter dude giving me clout frfr anyways hi guys welcome to the Quick snee dot com community where we cry over dilfs who don’t exist, I’m your host Quinn for this evening. Make sure to buckle up boys because this ride is gonna get wild. 
          Also special thanks to @BlankHorrific  for this, love you big guy <3 /p




i am (impatiently) waiting for next chapter of caught on the tracks quimmy..


Woah uhhhh heyyyy It’s been a while- I’d like to apologise for disappearing for like two months, a lot of things have been happening lately and despite not having anything to do almost every day, my motivation to write just isn’t there just now, i have had a new book in the works for quite a while now and it’s definitely something I’ve never done before so hopefully I can get that first chapter finished and posted soon, thank you everyone for being patient with me, I really appreciate it <3