this message may be offensive
I've been thinking all day what to say about the Orlando Pulse club shooting, and.. I wanna say a lot of things. For one, I'm very, VERY upset about the whole thing.
I don't even live too far away from where this asshole did. How does seeing two men kissing upset you? And upset you to the point of murder?
Fifty people. Fifty damn people.
There was absolutely no reason for this tragedy to happen. These poor people did fucking nothing to this man, and he has destroyed lives. He's hurt people emotionally, physically, and mentally.
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I fear for my life because of people like this. For people that feel the need to inflict pain and murder people that have done nothing to affect their lives in any way.
A lot of lives were lost. And a fuck load of lives were affected negatively by this incident. By this massacre.
I don't see why anyone would want to do anything like this to anybody. There's so much hatred and violence in this world, and a lot of it is directed towards the LGBTQ+ community. No reason as to why. Just pure hatred towards us.
It's not a sin. It's not an abomination. It's not wrong. It's how we feel.
It's like if someone shot you just because you were straight. Because they read in a book that it's a sin. Or because they're repulsed by it.
If it was a bad thing to not be straight, (I don't think it's a bad thing, personally) it's none of your damn business how these people live their lives. It doesn't affect you. It didn't affect his life.
It wasn't hurting him, it wasn't causing him pain. And even if he felt it did, that's no fucking reason to shoot a bunch of random people who are just trying to feel comfortable. To feel acceptance. To feel love.
They were in a place where they felt safe. Where they could exist without fear of being hurt.
I'm just very upset, and angry. Definitely disappointed.
My love goes out to everyone affected by this horrid occurrence.
Be safe.