
@Civilised_Nerd no problem! I love your story! Keep up the good work! 


So I have created a new story and I really like it...I just hope you all like it as well. It is NOT a fanfiction, but hopefully you will still enjoy it? Ummm please read it and get the word out! I promise I will post. Last time, a lot was going on and I stayed off websites like this for a long time, but now I want to redeem myself and do what I love, which is write! Give me feedback and let me know what yah think of the Prologue. 


Omg ignore that last message. I accidentally clicked the button. Anyways...hello everyone . Please, feel free to kill me.... It's been a LONG time and I apologize! When my computer broke down I said I would write more once it was fixed and then...well I didn't and I feel super bad.... I'm not sure if anyone is even into my stories anymore (I understand) but I love writing and Imma come back for you guys and write.....but I need to know if you all want me to continue writing my old stories or what? Btw I changed my name from "DirectionGotSwaggy" to "Q_isforQUEEN" buttttt let me know!