
I updated the son of the winter soldier:) if you want to check it out. And I’m also really sorry for not updating my other book in awhile, I will try my best to finish it


@Night_Watcher22 that’s what I’m doing with mine. Also cause I ran out of ideas


@Qeow13 I kinda want to, but like you said there no point in rushing it if I don’t want to finish it. And rushing it just to please everybody else, but it would be nice to give it a ending that it deserves. I’m just not sure, I guess I’ll keep it open in case I want to finish it. People normally do give me a hard time with my books, especially since I posted new ones but I’m excited to see where my new one goes. And if I like where it’s going, I might come back to the one of Bucky and finish it. Only time will tell.