I have a feeling that I might fail my internship. Failing in Internship = restarting my grade again. Which is my worst fear. So far I felt so down to the point that I am questioning myself. " Why am I so dumb and slow? ". Social anxiety keep caught to me every time my superior question me. And I was doing well until that happen. And then the other thing that bothered me is that all my friends that is also an intern in the same work place as I. Somehow got more task than I. Which leading me to anxiety that they might not trust me enough to do other task. And again, I am not saying that I am the best at this internship thing. I always do a few little mistake that somehow I didn't remember. And that is... sad. I think everyone will be sad if they think they did a great job and they checked it already. Just to know weeks later, their other intern friend said, you did a few mistake. I don't know if I am hallucinating that I did a great job or not. I know it is my fault. And this is the 3rd month of my internship. I still have 2 months and 1 week left before returning to school to get the big announcent did I pass or fail my grade. But if I did fail. Let's just say you won't hear a word from me for at least a year starting from June. I know that this is none of your problem. But I am just saying it right now just in case I am gone for too long. You will know why.