“it seems like a 4th grader wrote it” if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it at all. Don’t think I get the notifications for every comment you put down? There is a reason the writing is the way it is. It was the first thing I wrote and I, myself don’t like it. I keep it up because some people actually enjoy stuff. If you want something that is a bit better than I suggest reading the other one on my account. Not promoting just giving you the option of something else. The Fast Love was written by a 6th grader as of the one that is called Lockdown was written by an 8th grader. It doesn’t matter by age, it matters by the writing skill. Not many people were good when they first start so I suggest you don’t criticize everyone.

I'm very sorry you can't take constructive criticism. You should be prepared for this. Also I would go over the story and make it a little bit better. Honestly idk who likes reading poor quality writing. If you don't like it, why do you keep it up. The first story I ever wrote on Wattpad is deleted.also the first story I ever wrote is in the trash. I also know you get notifications. If I didn't..I wouldn't be commenting.i also don't criticize everyone. Only the ones I think need a little help with their writing. I know I can't write very well..but I can help with what the readers are looking for. I will read the other story on ur account. I am always honest with my comments and I'm sorry for speaking my mind