
Just submitted the last assignment for my degree. What a bittersweet feeling. After 4 years, it's finally coming to a close and adulthood is approaching like an unstoppable bullet train. At least now I'll finally have time to write and uodate my fics


And I won't confess that I waited
          But I let the lamp burn
          As the men masqueraded
          I hoped you return
          With your books on wattpad
          Tellin me all that you've learned
          Cause fanfics never lost once perspective is earned
          And you, said you'd come write again
          But, you were unactive
          And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired
          Lost to the OP's chapters of your life
          Forgive me writer, please know that I've tried to hold on
          To the days
          When you were active
          But the reader who sits by the window
          Has turned out...
          The light...
          Peter (Reader's Version)


Finally finished my 4th semester so I'm back to writing! I am currently re-reading my stories and just realized some major mistakes while writing.
          For example in Wizardess Heart, I put in the wrong age, wrote wrong words and even inserted my OC's name instead of (Y/n) in the later chapters...
          So I will work on editting the stories first and THEN will I continue the next chapters.
          Anyway, thank u so long for the wait!


Hey, guys! Sorry for the lack of posts, but do you guys remember the Oneshot Notice I made on all my books about a KidXReader? Well, I decided to compile all of my old oneshots inside that book so if you have time, swing by and read! Don't worry, I edited a majority (if not all) of my grammar mistakes. Do enjoy while I am gaining motivation to update my series. :')


Sorry for the lack of updates. I am Covid19-positive and it had been one hell of a week. Worst off, I have asthma so it affects my breathing more than it should. Just typing on my phone is a chore because I was too tired and lethargic to do anything. That's why I only announce this now when I am a bit better. So, bear with me for a while eh? I just got my voice and energy back but my oxygen intake is still -imitates plane crash sounds-. 
          Stay healthy everyone! Practice social distancing ok? Even I, a hermit who never go out of my own front gate, can have covid, what about you guys who go to school or work?


@_empty_world_ thank you very much! Updates would be a bit parser but I'm working on it slowly 


@Qis_the_Queen OMG I just saw this and I hope you get better soon!! Worry more about yourself than us :D