Hi there, I just caught up with your black Clover story. You’re doing an excellent job so far with your story I just have to ask when is the next chapter
@DuskyNote8833 No clue yet. I've had old ideas come to light that I've been looking into expanding on that haven't been revealed yet. But I'll try to work more on my Black Clover Story.
@JossathD7 If you want to, go right ahead. I've lost my interest in it if I'm being honest. I still reread it, but I don't find the motivation to keep writing it.
@UltimaWerewolf1214 I haven't had the chance to work on or update it due to motivation, and I had to search for my notes on what I'd be doing with the story in the first place. But now that I've found them, I can finally work on it again. So you should be able to get new chapters soon.