Hi I wanted you to know I loved reading a blonde and a princessa ( in the title it says printsessa I wasn’t sure if it was a mistake or on purpose) but it bothered me that you put Pietro as Russian when he is from sokovia I still loved it though please don’t block me I really do love the story I just wanted you too know this

Thanks! Last time I corrected a writer I got blocked so I always make sure now I hope you have a amazing day / night and girly ( if your a boy sorry) you responded quickly I’m sooo surprised your really an amazing writer and probably a amazing person too !

@plswork2024 firstly bestie don’t even worry ab blocking or whatever, ur just giving me feedback and I LOVE that <3 So, I did a Google translate from Russian for princess and it came out as Printsessa (phonetically cuz Russian has a different alphabet) idk if that is correct but that’s what Google told me so I went with it lol and as for the Sokovia Russian thing: I didn’t even realise it. Tbh they kinda just became the same thing in my head bc obvs it’s a fictional place and I am not a linguist so I just thought ‘he sounds Russian, let’s go with that!’ I will change it bc I know there’s nothing worse than someone writing a fic ab something u love and getting it wrong Thanks for pointing it out!