
I just had a thought. Okay? Here goes.
          	Who knows BNHA?
          	Okay good.
          	If I was a teacher in a school, stay with me here. 
          	If I was a teacher and I gave out the first benchmark of the year, I'd pull an Aizawa and I would say:
          	"(After reading the thing they read before all state tests) Oh and by the way, if you fail I'll expel you. (Proceeds to fall asleep at desk as students stare at the test in pure horror and fear)."
          	And then after the test results get back and every student is sitting in their seats, anxiety at the highest peak of their poor little insignificant lives, I hand the tests back to them and some see that they failed. 
          	Some are crying, some sweating profusely, some are planning their funerals now because their parents are gonna kill them. And here I come saying with a sadistic smile on my face:
          	"Oh yeah, and I was lying."
          	Students look at me shocked and in disbelief as I begin to explain. (Going off of the dub here)
          	"That was just a logic ruse, to make sure you gave it your all in the test!"
          	Anybody ever think of that? 
          	I need to finish school. That was it. I'll leave you with that.


I just had a thought. Okay? Here goes.
          Who knows BNHA?
          Okay good.
          If I was a teacher in a school, stay with me here. 
          If I was a teacher and I gave out the first benchmark of the year, I'd pull an Aizawa and I would say:
          "(After reading the thing they read before all state tests) Oh and by the way, if you fail I'll expel you. (Proceeds to fall asleep at desk as students stare at the test in pure horror and fear)."
          And then after the test results get back and every student is sitting in their seats, anxiety at the highest peak of their poor little insignificant lives, I hand the tests back to them and some see that they failed. 
          Some are crying, some sweating profusely, some are planning their funerals now because their parents are gonna kill them. And here I come saying with a sadistic smile on my face:
          "Oh yeah, and I was lying."
          Students look at me shocked and in disbelief as I begin to explain. (Going off of the dub here)
          "That was just a logic ruse, to make sure you gave it your all in the test!"
          Anybody ever think of that? 
          I need to finish school. That was it. I'll leave you with that.


I just had a thought. Okay? Here goes.
          Who knows BNHA?
          Okay good.
          If I was a teacher in a school, stay with me here. 
          If I was a teacher and I gave out the first benchmark of the year, I'd pull an Aizawa and I would say:
          "(After reading the thing they read before all state tests) Oh and by the way, if you fail I'll expel you. (Proceeds to fall asleep at desk as students stare at the test in pure horror and fear)."
          And then after the test results get back and every student is sitting in their seats, anxiety at the highest peak of their poor little insignificant lives, I hand the tests back to them and some see that they failed. 
          Some are crying, some sweating profusely, some are planning their funerals now because their parents are gonna kill them. And here I come saying with a sadistic smile on my face:
          "Oh yeah, and I was lying."
          Students look at me shocked and in disbelief as I begin to explain. (Going off of the dub here)
          "That was just a logic ruse, to make sure you gave it your all in the test!"
          Anybody ever think of that? 
          I need to finish school. That was it. I'll leave you with that.


Have you ever gotten a very strong for your body and everything about your very being?
          What do you do about it?
          Is it normal?
          Is there a reason?
          What am I supposed to do to not fall back into bad habits?
          Do ask for help?
          Do I deal with it on my own, like I do everything else?
          Pull a John Mulaney and keep it inside until I'm dead?
          What happened if I do?
          What if it gets too much and I cave?
          What then? 
          Do you ever reach for an answer, only to find yourself farther away from where you wanted to be?
          What if it's too late?
          What if it consumes me and I never get to ask for help?
          What if nobody hears my cry for help?
          Or what if they hear it and ignore it?
          What if they ignore all the signs, as obvious or subtle as they are?
          Do I need to say it directly?
          Help me


@Stabby_Girl John Mulaney is a comedian. He said "I'll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I'll die"


I'm gonna die one day.
          Its inevitable. 
          But we can choose whether or not to die now or later.
          We can choose to make it seem like we've been dead all along.
          We can choose to die now, or we can choose to die later.
          It's hard to think about all the control you have over your life..
          But sometimes....
          Even the things that are in your control can get out of it as soon as it came....
          But we cant lose ourselves....
          We fight...
          We fight a long and hard battle with ourselves....
          And if we keep going, giving it all we have....
          We'll be triumphant....
          Never give up on yourself or others. If things are bad or of things are hard right now, fight through it. Itll be worth it. Because no matter how lo g it takes, someone will eventually pop into your life and be there for you. And I know that a lot of the times we dont want to.
          But sometimes all we have to do....
          Is wait.


Hello everyone.
          As you may have noticed my username has changed from Dani_baker to what it is now. 
          Also I dont care if you refer to me as my name, my more known nickname, or Quayle.
          As long as it's either of those I'm fine with it.
          The only reasoning that I have for changing it is as follows:
          》 I've grown really fond of the name Quayle
          》 I really love spades. (Not the game just the overall shape, I think it's really interesting for some reason)
          Also I'll be changing the way I end these name-wise (if that doesn't make sense, it will)
          Feel free to private message me if anyone ever wants to talk. Despite all my own issues, I would like to be a therapist one day to help people in a different way than what most think is important. I'll answer. Sometimes right away, other times it might take a while, but feel free to say hi anytime you want.
          That's it.
          Have a nice day/night.


I'm entering "sad boy hours" right now.....
          I don't think I like it very much....
          I don't know what to do about it.....
          I'm in that moment....that moment where I realize everything I do is a silent cry for help....
          But I don't know if I want it or not.....
          That's all....
          I won't bother you guys anymore tonight....
          Goodnight everyone....
          Hope you all had a great day....


@Dani_baker my advice is to wait it out