Real life cross between Wendla Bergman and Margaery Tyrell. Slytherin. Tyrell. ENTJ. Econ and Theatre double major. Soprano belter. Good Catholic girl, (which shocks some judging by my favorite musicals).

Decidedly a theatre geek! Fandoms include (but not limited to) Les Mis, Spring Awakening, Phantom, and bare: A Pop Opera.

Madly in love with Marius Pontmercy, especially the novel version, perfectly portrayed by Andy Mientus. Recently saw Deaf West's Spring Awakening and it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life!

Dream roles include Christine in Phantom, Wendla in Spring Awakening, and Cosette in Les Mis. The list goes on. I'd love to play Tuptim in King and I (in another life or like Kristin Chenowith)

"Dream a dream and dash another. Life is there to interrupt"
-Ivy Robinson

"You watch me, just watch me. I'm calling and one day all will know"
-Melchior Gabor

"Really, there are only three ways a man can go. He can let the status quo defeat him, he can rock the boat and be expelled, or he can bide his time and let the system work for him. Think of the future as a pail of whole milk. One man sweat and stirs, churning the milk into butter. Another spills his milk and cries all nigh. Me, well, I'm like a pussy cat, I just skim off the cream"
-Hanschen Rillow

"I don't want to be a queen. I want to be THE queen"
-Margaery Tyrell

"To love another person is to see the face of God"
~Jean Valjean
  • Uptown (It's Quiet Uptown)
  • JoinedAugust 19, 2015
