
Bear with me guys, I suddenly started moving plans and doing some stuff! 
          	Updates coming in a few weeks, my bad <3


Omg you're back!!! <3 I used to read your stories all the time and then I kinda took a long break from Wattpad, but you updating things is making me want to come back. (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)


@LuckyCat22216 lmaoo I am, but sadly not as much! Took a long break too due to a lot of things going on but I will be writing here an there and making updates when I can lol


Hi (●’◡’●)ノ
          Its been a minute lol, been a few months I think? I can’t remember how long its been since a book has been updated but I still see my notifications fill up with plenty of readers still reading. 
          You probably want an explanation but all I'd have to say is I locked in, I focus on my adult life as things were crashing down and spiraling and had to set aside my writing hobby. 
          Now things aren’t as calm but they're better, less packed and full. 
          I am back with some good news, books will be updated again, written and more! I also might be taking this account more seriously with some books about different fandoms or maybe a real novel. 
          But I wont be posting anything right now, for now it'll still be radio silent till January 1st. Plenty of my books will all be updated with a new chapter on January 1st so I hope you all are still interested in their endings. I hope you all are doing well and I'll be open for conversation lol! 


@Idontgivefreehugs hiii hugs, sorry about the disappearance things had just gotten crazy


@Sapnap1507 hii sap lol, I wont take it seriously dw :3


Do you ever think about making a c.ai bot about your fanfictions? +


@ItzFrogz I just think they would be fun characters to chat with but again no pressure❤️


I would absolutely love to chat with your character if that helps but honestly no pressure, I love your fanfics on their own


@ItzFrogz No not really, mostly cause I don't know how it works but also cause my characters aren’t anything special. But i'll think about it if people want a version? 
            Pretty busy nowadays though so i'll think about it and come back to you with a proper answer lol


This is the appeal I sent to them jf anyone is wondering, btw to submit an appeal you have to have a story ID. 
          Wtf is a story id? Copy the link to your book, paste it on your notes app and the only numbers on that link is the story id. Google helped me discover it and I am helping you all now so that tou can appeal your stories without worrying what tf a story id is. 
          This was my appeal:
          This is the second book you've removed from my page and this was an old gem this time, Roses (Offender x Female Reader) was a gem that helped me discover what kind of writing style I'd be adopting as my own and for it to be removed was VILE! 
          Side note: Can we please start getting reasons why our stories are being deleted with almost NO warnings? No "hey, we're gonna give you a week to either unpublished this book or rewrite a part that doesn't meet our criteria." 
          This story wasn't even bad, you have promoted books that openly share sex stories about a CEO and some assistant or WEREWOLVES ALPHAS!! 
          Second side note: I dont have the story id for Roses (Offender x Fem Reader) because I didn't even know that was a thing and after a lot of searching, I turned to google to finally figure out how to get a story id and It Frustrated Me. I dont have the story id because I didn't know it existed nor could I get it because it has been deleted.
          Please give me this book back, its a gem I made five years ago that developed me as an author and I am so shocked that you just decided to take that away from me and proceeded to not tell me again why it was taken down or what it violated. 
          Azi/ skittles (again) 


@Queen-Of-Weird No problem! Hopefully they give you back your story!


@Sapnap1507 the Story ID's are very new because the research for them was limited, and luckily google had the solution. 
            Wattpad doesn't even have it in their updates books or new changes, it just went under the radar and something that important should be emphasized for authors who want their books back! 


Wattpad just deleted another book... 
          This one had some ATTACHMENTS to it even if it was an unfinished old book, IT WAS MY FIRST PROPER WRITING BOOK!!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
          THIS IS THE SECOND BOOK THEYVE DELETED AND ITS STARTING TO GET FRUSTRATING!!! Im lowkey thinking of moving apps, I need fo get on something else if this keeps happening- not to mention the constant logging out and glitches??? 
          Its starting to get messy and I dont want any more of my stories to get taken down so give me some suggestions for a new writing app or something like AO3 PLEASE!!! 


@Queen-Of-Weird I agree cause wattpad support is not great at communication which is why I go to Twitter to get their attention maybe it's the same problem as roblox cause roblox has a 3 strike rule system and cause roblox is piling up on reports they go ignored especially when it comes to online bullying which I later learned that bullying someone online is considered online harassment I know from experience cause I got bullied and harassed online cause of the youtubers I chose to like Cryoatic I can understand cause Cryoatic is a bad person now but Jacksepticeye and Dream did nothing as I said over and over if it wasn't for the youtubers such as Jacksepticeye Cryoatic Dream Sapnap FusionZGamer and Kubzscouts I would of killed myself a long time ago I was living in a unsafe home with an mentally abusive person and I felt like I wanted to die but I'm glad to be in a safer home now heck I don't even see my grandmother as family I see my grandmother as a mental abuser I choose to trust my grandmother and she abused that trust


@LuckyCat22216 tumbler sounds familiar but Ill check it out too, and yeah wattpad SHOULD guve a warning or at least explain why it was taken down ;-;


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@Sapnap1507 whoever if false reporting needs to quit their shit cause that story was the beginning of my writing style being published of tested as, and it was such a good plot ;-;  
            But i sadly found out that you have to have a story id now for your books and you can onky get it through freaking coping the url link from your own story and pasting it on notes to see the inky damn numbers on the link, I found out how to get it through google cause wattpads support or help hq was NO HELP AT ALL!! 
            BUT i don't have the story id for "Roses" so I put random nunbers so the appeal could be submitted. 


Hi. Will you come back to Classified Love ? I love that story and I can't wait for a new chapter


@Queen-Of-Weird Never mind I already read them XD. I've read the whole storie like 3 times by now. Its fantastic!<3


@Queen-Of-Weird Yessssss gotta go and look if they are already up :D


@Wif_aka_internet oh for sure, it actually has some chapters I just need to proof read them and check for spelling errors, or double check for any mistakes plot wise lol


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Guess who just came back from a small Hiatus and found out wattpad gave them back their book! 
          ME, I GOT "Followed" BACK AND IM SO HAPPY! I thought they needed a like a i swear i'll remake the chapters that crossed the lines or broke the rules so I sent them another appeal cause they gave me a message on june 6 about how they marked the chaoters as mature and I sent a whole ass paragraph to their support thing to reason with them and show them i understood what crossed the lines-
          BUT I AM DUMB ASF, I just checked my stories and THERE IT WAS! "Followed" in all its glory and with every chapter back!! 
          Thank you so much Wattpad for the opportunity to edit and redo the chapters that took it too far. I wont let it go to waste and for everyone else be watchful of a slightly new and less gore-y "Followed" 


@Queen-Of-Weird hell yeah! I guess the meant the part with rory Jr? XD I'm so happy it's back I just love the fanon events and xds personality switch and all that it's so great. Thanks Wattpad!♡


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I put an updated Mature warning on "Fragile..?" Because its really gotten on my nerves about how some people are acting. 
          I put it in Ch1 at the beginning so that people don't have to waste their time. They can decide from there if they wanna continue reading or not because I'm tired of the people calling me a fucking ped*phile. The worst one a "ped*phile fetishizer" 
          Stop it. Thats fucking disgusting behavior and your comments were deleted and you have been blocked. Have a good night everyone else who decided to be good readers and just clicked off the book if you didn't like it. 
          You're the 5% of wattpad thats still RESPECTFUL. 


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@MariLovelyLotus no its okay purple, Im honestly aware of which parts people are mostly upset about and have been thinking of maybe rediting them differently but im not entirely sure just yet. Although im pretty sure rhis person was just a troll and I forgot even wattpad can have those kind of people of who say shit to get a reaction. 


@Queen-Of-Weird Honestly, If youre really bothered about it, Im willing to reread the entire book to prove them wrong :D Not in a mean way, and if you don't want me to, it's fine (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)


@MariLovelyLotus im glad its my long time readers that are here talking to me about this cause its really reassuring me that I didn't do anything wrong and I was genuinely freaking out if I did write an adult x teen. It is a fictional story and its also one a lot of people have read and are still reading, the fact that people had the nerve to say something like that made me think I did and I was gonna reread it entirely to make sure I didn't. 