This is the appeal I sent to them jf anyone is wondering, btw to submit an appeal you have to have a story ID.
Wtf is a story id? Copy the link to your book, paste it on your notes app and the only numbers on that link is the story id. Google helped me discover it and I am helping you all now so that tou can appeal your stories without worrying what tf a story id is.
This was my appeal:
This is the second book you've removed from my page and this was an old gem this time, Roses (Offender x Female Reader) was a gem that helped me discover what kind of writing style I'd be adopting as my own and for it to be removed was VILE!
Side note: Can we please start getting reasons why our stories are being deleted with almost NO warnings? No "hey, we're gonna give you a week to either unpublished this book or rewrite a part that doesn't meet our criteria."
This story wasn't even bad, you have promoted books that openly share sex stories about a CEO and some assistant or WEREWOLVES ALPHAS!!
Second side note: I dont have the story id for Roses (Offender x Fem Reader) because I didn't even know that was a thing and after a lot of searching, I turned to google to finally figure out how to get a story id and It Frustrated Me. I dont have the story id because I didn't know it existed nor could I get it because it has been deleted.
Please give me this book back, its a gem I made five years ago that developed me as an author and I am so shocked that you just decided to take that away from me and proceeded to not tell me again why it was taken down or what it violated.
Azi/ skittles (again)