
I've been reading 'Ace of Hearts' and though it was getting good so far, if not better. 
          But I think the sentence 'flow' is kinda missing, I mean that sentences stop or fail
          To continue when they could actually. Certain words and uses of ; could, I think help, in making sentences read smoothly for the reader.
          But thats just my suggestion. 


@Queen-Suicune i understand, regardless though, I'd say your grammer still holds up strong


@oriental-beast I'm not the best when it comes to grammar and stuff like that...I use programs for it and it gives me different readings. I also have a friend that edits for me.


Hey, I'm sorry if this is bothering you a lot, are you still working on the next chapter of 'A Sacrifice for those you love'? Because I really love happy endings.


@Queen-Suicune I'm really excited, I really love the story!


@Jasmine_Williams14 I am and it will be posted sometime today ^^


I'm fine with other people's TTTE ships, but I don't feel the need to do that in my fics. Guess I'm somewhat preadolescent in regard to TTTE. I mean, I can see the deeper layers, but in my fanfics, I'm usually quite innocent seeming. Only Edward's  End Of Line really strays from the young seeming writing, somewhat.


@nascarccmgrlfan alrighty, I shall take a look at it ^^


@Queen-Suicune It's on fanfiction and is one of my Sodor Tales. If you read it, you might cry, so see my ST summary and understand if you want. EEOL, that is.


@nascarccmgrlfan everyone has a right to their opinions on ships *nods*


Hi! Will you be updating Ace Of Heart at all?


@Queen-Suicune okay lol, all the same I can't wait for the next chapter!


@Queen-Suicune I remember how Edward hurt his friends, so is the last chapter him being right and making it up to everyone?


I got a story on fanfiction called Sodor Tales. It's kind of an anthology and the last story made me cry inside writing it.  Everything I did before ST's either angry, like my AEG rantfic or just sweet.  ST's a mix, starts out adorable with the first story, then I got a couple rewrites to fix issues other people had with some classic stories, then the last story that's got character death. I got a new fic in the works that's probably fluffy. May post the first chapter tonight.


Sorry if I'm bothering you in any way, but are you going to update 'A sacrifice for those you love'? 
          I'm really antsy to see Edward back to his regular self again.
          Also, the story is great so far :D


@123biscuitlover  Hello! And you aren't bothering me in anyway ^^
            Yes, I will be updating A Sacrifice For Those You Lover for I am working on the newest chapter currently ^^
            Just I've been busy working a crazy work schedule caused by COVID and am currently on a long needed vacation ^^ 
            But I do promise that I am working on the new chapter at night when I am laying in bed.
            And I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the story so far! ^^ It means a lot to hear people say that about my story~


Hey i just want you to know that i love "sacrifice for those you love" i think what you write is great!❤


@TheSodorStories Hello and thank you! I'm sorry for just now replying. With college, COVID-19, and life in general, I kept forgetting to check things on here. I updated A Sacrifice For Those You Love if you are still interested in it ^^