
Anyone have ideas for books? I've hit a writers block on Wings... Sorry bout the delay


Hey Mahala, thanks for following!! I hope you enjoy my works and pm me whenever. 
          Btw, so envious that you can play the flute ;) I'm a cello person myself but that would've been my first choice if I hadn't taken Orchestra.
          Anyway, thanks again <33


@ML_Brooks oh anytime! I've seen your user a couple of times and I recently checked out your works (imma read them tonight, they do look interesting).  it's a pretty easy instrument to learn, I would never be able to learn the cello (it seems so complicated)!


for my wings fans: I'm sorry it's been awhile since I've updated  (as always, but this is the longest I've gone), but I am still writing my story. I've had alot of chapters planned out and I've been writing the newest chapter for a few months but I've hit some road blocks. for instance, some of you may have noticed I edited my existing chapters.  I would love it if you guys could re-read them, but all I changed were the ages  (I made them all a bit older) so please go check those out! 
          my next chapter should be up soon. thanks for sticking with it!! 


hi I'm 11 I like Harry Potter, divergent, and the hunger games too!!!!!!! thank you so much for following me


@Princess111801 well not everyone at school would agree do thank you so much


@PiperBookmad  thank you so much for being awesome!!!!