y’all better watch out for the toxic police in the comments! They try to make you change your mind and opinion about something just because they don’t agree with it. Then try you make you feel wrong or stupid because you stand by what you said. Smh. People have a lot of nerve and audacity to come on people’s pages or comments telling them how they shouldn’t feel. How they shouldn’t think. The audacity! We all have opinions and nobody’s is greater than the other and nobody should be on here tryin to tell someone that their feelings or opinions is wrong. Furthermore, I’m GROWN. I can think for myself and my opinion is mine whether anybody likes it or not. I don’t mind hearing other people’s views but to tell me my opinion or view point is wrong and that I need to change the way I think, that s*** ain’t flyin with me. To all the authors, thank you for your wonderful stories and creativity. To the toxic police, mind your business and you respectfully.