Dear Followers,
I'm not perfect. I'm not a good writer like them. I suck in updating or what. But one thing that I know is, God loves me and He gives me these gifts of knowledge, imagination and the heart of writing to express what I know, feel and learn. I was not born to please anyone, I was born to please God by molding my skills, sharing and having fun. I'm a sinner. I always fell. But there's a God who helps me to fight in every battle that I'll conquer. I'm weak but Christ gives me strength. Writing is my stress reliever besides reading the Bible. I'm NOT holy so don't expect me to act like a goody-to-shoes lady 'cause I'm a Christian. I'm a human. I made a lot of mistakes. Don't we?
Check out my facebook acct: QueenAntonietteWP or click the Facebook icon somewhere.
Twitter: QnAntonietteWP
IG: queen.antoniette