Happy good Friday day and Easter weekend everyone :))!! I hope that whatever you are doing, that you enjoy the long weekend!!! :DD XXXD

~ Wishing everyone a very happy New year 2022 :DD!! I hope that 2022 brings all good things and great times to come : ))!!! XXD ~

~** Happy Christmas Eve everyone :DD!! I wish everyone the very merriest and happiest Christmas day tomorrow : DD!! XD **~

~ # Happy Halloween everyone :DDD!! # ~

Hello dear! It's been a while! How are you? I had difficult days but everything is fine now, I just wish the sun would come back soon because there are only rain in my country hehe! I hope you have good days?

@a3a0d0n7 Hi Dear-It's great to hear from you again : ))!!!!!!!!! So sorry dear to hear that you have been having difficult days dear-but glad to hear that things are better for you now -know that I am always here on my profile if you ever want to talk about anything-if you keep on and keep your head up and keep smiling, things always turn out for the best in the end, is what I always say when things get difficult : )) Things are fine with me-although I'm afraid most of May has been quite wet and recently really quite windy here where I am : 00!!-But I'm hoping now we are in spring that we will have some bright and sunny days on the way soon-we have bank holiday coming up end of this month so finger crossed that the weather will be good then :000!! Great to hear from you again dear : DD!! XXD

~Happy Easter weekend everyone : ))!!!!!! Here is a little Easter themed short story that I just posted!!; https://www.wattpad.com/1049774786-a-collection-of-queen-and-beatles-short-stories-~a -Enjoy :))!! And Hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend however you are spending it :DD!! Happy Easter <03!!!!!!!!!

@QueenBeatleBookworm Alright dear! I will read it tonight because I have a lot of things to do, Have a good day and thank you for this new chapter!

Hello dear! I wanted to heard from you, I had some difficult and hard time but I'm feeling a bit better now. I just wish the sun to come back in my country because the wind is so boring hehe! And you how are you? Do you have good days?

@ QueenBeatleBookworm Thank you for everything, I send you my love and my hug too. I can't wait for spring to come, I really need sun days! I'm glad to know that you're doing well dear! If I have more time I will come here talking more often hehe!

@a3a0d0n7 Hi Darling :DD!! So sorry to hear that you have been having difficult time-sending lots of love and hugs to you :DD!!! XXXD Glad to hear that you're feeling better now though :DD You know that you can can always come here to chat with me here on my profile whenever you want to :DD!! We have had lots of windy days here too where I am-last few days have been very windy-but hopefully in not too long spring will come and the sunshine and nice weather will be here too :DD I am doing good, dear-keeping busy with my courses as usual : ))!! XXD

<3 Happy Valentines day all <3 And, in honor of the occasion, here is a little a Valentines story I posted : )) Hope you like it, and have a lovely day :DD <3 <3 https://www.wattpad.com/1026051445-a-collection-of-queen-and-beatles-short-stories-~

Hi dear I hope you're ok? I missed you a bit so I come to say hello!

@ a3a0d0n7 Hey!! Well I'm fine but I'm cold hehe! The weather is very very cold but unfortunately I didn't see the snow...just a lot of wind and rain but there are a ray of sunshine today! I hope your studies aren't so difficult? I'm looking forward for a new chapter of one of your books!!

@a3a0d0n7 awwwe Hi Dear :DD!!! I have missed talking with you, too, I love hearing from you :DD!! XXD I am doing fine, still keeping busy with online studies : )) It has been very cold here this week, but it was quite exciting because we even saw a bit of snow :000!!-It wasn't a lot of it, but it was still exciting to see as we don't get snow where we are very often : 00!!! Have you had snow where you are?? XXXD :DD