
Hey guys,
          	So at this point it looks like I'm going to be discontinuing (and probably unpublishing) both of my currently published books, and not publishing the other one I have in the works, I just have no motivation to write them anymore, plus with everything else going on in my life I have no time to work on long stories anymore. I had these nice plans on how I was going to finish the books, but nowI'm just unmotivated. Sorry to anyone who was waiting for me to update so they could read.
          	I may be starting a book of miscellaneous one shots, comprised of one to two chapter stories, about random things. I hope everyone is doing well and the
          	pandemic, and sorry again if you were waiting for me to update either of my stories.


Hey guys,
          So at this point it looks like I'm going to be discontinuing (and probably unpublishing) both of my currently published books, and not publishing the other one I have in the works, I just have no motivation to write them anymore, plus with everything else going on in my life I have no time to work on long stories anymore. I had these nice plans on how I was going to finish the books, but nowI'm just unmotivated. Sorry to anyone who was waiting for me to update so they could read.
          I may be starting a book of miscellaneous one shots, comprised of one to two chapter stories, about random things. I hope everyone is doing well and the
          pandemic, and sorry again if you were waiting for me to update either of my stories.


Hiii :) thank you so much for adding Linger and Remain to your reading list! Hope you enjoy ❤


You're so kind!! It is a joy to share it with you ❤❤❤


@twinkling_fireflies of course!! ❤️
            Thank you for taking your time to write such an amazing story! 


Wow!! Thank you so much! ❤️❤️


Hey guys,
          So back in August of 2019 I disconnected with my absolute best friend at the time, she was my rock for about 5 years, and then I felt like we were drifting apart so I ended the friendship, I just didn't think it was a truly healthy relationship anymore. I still miss her, but I need to move on because it was my fault/idea. 
          She was the one who helped me with my stories though, she gave me the inspiration in a way, to write. So it is hard now to write without having her here to help. None of my current friends really write or understand what writing means to me like she did, so I do not currently have any inspiration to continue, but I want to. I want to be able to write without her, and doing writing without relying on her. 
          So from now as you may have noticed T.A.I. (texting Ashton Irwin for those who don't know the story) has been put on hold, until I get The Differents completely written out. Which leads me to the next topic of discussion, The Differents is about half done right now. I have everything planned out as to what is going to happen, I just haven't found the words to write it out. I am
          currently working on that. 
          When The Differents is done I will be continuing on with T.A.I. and potentially a new story I have in mind. 
          It took me this long to write it out, because at first I didn't want to admit how big of an affect losing my best friend was on me, so I pushed it deep down until recently when I've started to come to terms with some things going on in my life. 
          Also, I am looking for an editor who understands the story with The Differents and potentially even with the rest of my stories in the future, if anybody is interested feel free to comment or DM me.


Hey guys,
          So as you might have seen I just uploaded a new part of "The Differnets". I am trying very hard to get my writing groove back, I am hoping to have a new chapter of "Texting Ashton Irwin" up within the next couple days, but it may take longer because I don't have a lot done for it. From now on I will be switching off on which one I update, so say I just up dated "Texting Ashton Irwin" I will then work on uploading a new chapter on "The Differnets".
          I am so very sorry I haven't updated either story in so long, I've been having a lot of writers block, school was kicking my butt for that second semester (Janurary through May) and (this is good news for me) I got my first job two weeks ago, so I've been adjusting. Yes I do realize that these may just seem like excuses, but they are the reason I am having a hard time writing, but it is getting easier, so I'm going to keep trying to update more often. 
          Thank you all, so much for understanding, I appreciate it so much.
          Love and best wishes from me to you.


Heyo! Thanks for adding my Colby Brock Instagram book to your Sam and Colby reading list! I really hope you enjoy it! xox


@BeAwesomeForLife Yay! I'm so glad you're liking it so far! PM me your opinion of it when you're done thanks xox


@BeAwesomeForLife your welcome, I am so far! Thank you for writing such a good story!


      So I am going to be editing both stories, and hopefully writing out more chapters for both by next Sunday (November 25th). Mainly cause it is Thanksgiving break and I finally have some motivation and creativity coursing through me again.
                 I love you all, thank you for your support and understaing. 


Hey guys.
          I'm sorry to say it but I will no longer have regular update times, I will still try for every two weeks. But I haven't been able to write a lot lately because of school, sports, being sick and then having a bunch of make up work. But as you cant tell it won't be happening this week unless I do it onthe weekend, which may just become when I update. Thank you guys for understanding


Hey guys,
          As you all probably saw I did not update TAI today. I will be updating it within the next week and then get back on normal schedule. The reason behind this is because I have had a long couple weeks and haven't had the time nor motivation to write. I have been stressed with school because I am in honors classes, then we pile sports, and getting sick on top amd it would be hard for anyone to handle with just that. 
          I had a day full of doctors appointments today for potentially having a back injury, which I am thankful to report I don't have a severe one but I do need to have physical therapy, so once that picks up I will have less time to write, so I am very sorry if I have to lessen my updates.
          Thank you all for your understanding, and support throughout it all (and reading my little rant).
          I love you all very much!


Hey guys, I am back from my trip, but I still will not be updating until August 20th and August 23rd for a couple reasons. The first being that since I was out of service I was not able to write, so I need to write out a couple chapters for each story that way I can catch up. The second being that school starts back up for me soon, so I need to make sure I can keep up with sports, school, and writing still. I will still be trying to do my updates every two weeks, but if I can't I will do my best to notify you when the next update will be. If you guys have any ideas or comments for my stories, either comment or message me what they are and I will do my best to incorporate them.
          Love QueenSamanthaRose.