I have a few books in the works, and I want y'all to have a choice in What y'all read next. 1- A story about fae twins finding their mates 2- An angel saving a Unicorn 3- An ogre chieftain finding out what in the woods has been seen with glowing eyes 4- A king with a snake for a mate I wanted to keep it as vague as possible so that no one would know what to expect. I hope y'all like the choices and let me know as soon as possible which ones you all want to read.
@QueenLittleBunny I really like 1 and 3, there aren't a lot books on here with Black women as the female leads. To me Especially the Orge & Fae twin ones. But all your books sound interesting.
@QueenLittleBunny Me, I like the sound of number 4. It's something different that I wouldn't normally see or read.