Thank you SO MUCH for adding STARFISH to your Favorites!! That means the world to me, thank you for your time Writing stories were POC get to have incredible stories with happy endings is a major driving force behind what I do, and I know you understand how important it is to keep creating and supporting other creators. Wishing you all the best and happy writing!

@QueenLittleBunny Hey sorry for the late reply but I did want to tell you I do have more in the works! It's going to be a while because I work full time, but in the meantime I hope you'll check out some of the other authors who have commented - they're really sweet and I hope I can steer more readers their way! Also I'm trying to be more active on Tumblr so if that's your style you're welcome to come see what I'm up to! Thank you again, I hope you have a great week

Thank you so much! It’s hard to find good stories surrounding aliens since it can be such a difficult genre to write because you quite literally have to make up EVERYTHING! I look forward to your next story!