
Hi everyone, long time no see. 
          	Okay, first I have to clear something up, I NEVER ignored anyone on purpose. About the time I left my life had taken a turn for the worse and I needed to get away from Wattpad entirely because it wasn’t helping my mental state. 
          	Basically, here’s a little insight to me. I am 17 years old. My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer about the time I left Wattpad and 3 years before that my mom was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. I was unofficially diagnosed with anxiety and depression and started to see a therapist. As of a month ago, I decided it was time to come back on because writing was my get away. What made me come back? My dad passed away, I need a get away. My mom is not far behind him I’m going to be with the Lord. I have been a full time caretaker for her for 4 years. 
          	What I am saying is, I needed to get away and leave the negativity that was floating around before I left and just take a deep breath and get my life in order. 
          	Now, I am deleting this account to start anew I need a new account. I will keep it up for a week longer and if you want to follow me, shoot me a private message. It’ll be easier on all of us and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 
          	I hope I didn’t make anyone mad at me, it wasn’t my intention. I just needed to take care of myself.
          	Hope to hear from some of you soon. 


@Mental_carrots do you know her new acc?


If you ever want to talk, I’m here


Hi everyone, long time no see. 
          Okay, first I have to clear something up, I NEVER ignored anyone on purpose. About the time I left my life had taken a turn for the worse and I needed to get away from Wattpad entirely because it wasn’t helping my mental state. 
          Basically, here’s a little insight to me. I am 17 years old. My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer about the time I left Wattpad and 3 years before that my mom was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. I was unofficially diagnosed with anxiety and depression and started to see a therapist. As of a month ago, I decided it was time to come back on because writing was my get away. What made me come back? My dad passed away, I need a get away. My mom is not far behind him I’m going to be with the Lord. I have been a full time caretaker for her for 4 years. 
          What I am saying is, I needed to get away and leave the negativity that was floating around before I left and just take a deep breath and get my life in order. 
          Now, I am deleting this account to start anew I need a new account. I will keep it up for a week longer and if you want to follow me, shoot me a private message. It’ll be easier on all of us and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 
          I hope I didn’t make anyone mad at me, it wasn’t my intention. I just needed to take care of myself.
          Hope to hear from some of you soon. 


@Mental_carrots do you know her new acc?


If you ever want to talk, I’m here


Imma go watch Zombies (the Disney movie) now!!!!!!!!! EEP!


@QueenLoki17 It was Stand or Stand Tall. I loved the songs as well


Or was it just Stand?


Hey everyone! Been a while. First off... shout out to my friends @VirgilSanders_12 and @NWTBWarfstashe and @Pengi11 and @Glasswolf48 and @-Disappearing_Anarchy- and @PandaLover2486 and @SassyCC and also to my little sister @Skittykittycat12 and also my big sister @DnDwolf91 and my big brother @PokeDragonball for all the help they've given me the last 12 days. This was also to get their attention.
          So, I am alive. I'm just taking care of my mom. I did find a way to get Wattpad (stole my mom's old kindle). I'm just...dodging Wattpad. I'm not doing very well after you know what. I should be over it...I mean I knew it would happen...but I'm still feeling sick whenever I think about it. I'm also waiting for a scar to heal. Yeah...it was bad. I'm still also wondering what went wrong or if God was telling me I wasn't made for a relationship like that. 
          Anyway for everyone else, I'm okay or as well as I can be. I have few stories typed out. And I hope to ever them out soon. And if you have absolutely no idea what I just said up there go check out my chapter 'I'll get through' it's in my 'Hope I can make your day book' Love ya all! 
          @Skittykittycat12 I hope to see you soon. I'm free this summer...not doing much. How's your ankle? Hope to see you soon. Love you, girl. 
          Love you, everyone. I'll be back soon, and will be ready to read and write and talk to all of you again. 
          Over and out.


Thanks, everyone. I feel like I'm trying to get attention...then again...that happens every time I talk like that. Any who, that really helps a lot. Imma go catch up on reading...I'm bored. *hugs*


@QueenLoki17 love ya sis. You got this. I'm here for you whenever you need me. 


@QueenLoki17 I'm glad you're good girl. Go on strong.