
Hey guys! Read my first apply fic maybe?  


Hi, so for ur form on moonstruck, you didn't do the passwords. in order for your character to be involved in the story, you must read the rules and add ur passwords. also, for your godly parent, I didn't add Circe to the slots.
          Did u even read the first chapter at all :/


The girly photographer
          Maya Kristin
          May 22nd
          African American
          121 lbs
          Works at at an Forever 21
          New, York
          Atlanta Georgia
          Upper-Middle class
          Photagraphy club, Gardening club
          She is into school spirit
          The Artistic one
          The fun and ditzy one
          Tha faithful gang member
          The weird nerd
          The popular girls~ 
          The smart one
          The jocks~ 
          The sweet jock
          The adorable one
          The baby of the football team
          Cheerleader #1
          All of the juniors
          All popular girls -the smart one
          Big man on campus
          The drug dealer


            Justine Kristin- Her fathers sister
            Mira Wikce- Grandmother
            Mother- Stacy Wikce
            Father- Noah Kristin
            Brother- Josiah Kristin (16)
            Likes- Rollerskating, Technology, drawing, chess, scary movies and Ice cream
            Dislikes- Bugs, Dirty things, Cats, Social Studies, sports and Dirty shoes
            Fears- The dark, Silence
            Strengths- Technology, Math, science and socializing 
            Weakness- Social Studies, PE and apologising 
            Religon- Christianity
            Love intrest- Yes!
            She went to a parky and threw up on someones couch
            She broke her brothers videogame console and never told him
            She broke a expensive vase and never told her father
            Relationship to your oc- She knows her from the AV club, she hasnt talked to her to much but is familiar
            Opinons on the AV club- She loves it!
            Mental illnesses/Disorders- Irlen syndrome
            Is a senior
            Has ears pierced and belly button pierceing
            Has a buisness were she charges a dollar to take photgraphs for special occasions 
            "Sorry got lost in my head agian!"
            "Did I ramble on agian?"
            "Honestly I confuse my self"
            Password done!


Faceclaims- Lovie Simone or Samantha Logan
            May is the textbook defintion of an chatterbox, If you looked the word up in the dictionary her picture would show up. She is a very expressive person and its not hard for people to tell how shes feeling even though she tries to hide it. She loves making corny, sarcastic to attempt to make people genuinely laugh (it doesnt really work but she tries). She loves EVERYTHING technology wich is why she volunteered to be the schools photographer, and sometimes she will go on long unhinged rants about technology. When you first meet her you can sense her energy, as she can be a little much sometimes. She is very loyal to their friends and would do almost anything for them. She often uses her heart to make desions which has lead her into many bad situations. Whenever she is feeling some type of way she tried to hide her emotions behind an happy peppy and positive mask, most people can tell when shes doing this. She is not easily distracted and is known to have tunnel vision when she is focused on something. She can be very impulsive witch goes hand and hand with her tendency to think with her heart instead of her head, and this has gotten her into MANY bad situations.
            May grew up in a fairy large sized apartment with her mom and dad in New York. Her dad was an senior IT specialist and her mom was an IT worker. May's love for technology started when her dad brung her to bring your child to work day. Seeing everything they did amazed her and she would beg her mom and dad to bring her to work all the time. Before her dad took her and her brother to atlanta he and her mom broke divorced on good terms and her mom stayed in New York so they dont see eachother to often. Beacuse of this she isn't good with relationships. She has a very reckless little brother who she has watched out for all her life beacuse of this she is very responsible (and good woth hiding things)


Mitsuki Asumasu
          Suki (friends), mitsu (family)
          Ultimate Social Media Star
          American Japanese 
          Fc: Marin Kitagawa
          Backup fc: Irna (assasination classroom)
          Backup fc: Misa (death note)
          5'11 without heels 6'1 with heels, has tan skin from her mother
          Romantic love intrest, no one in paticular
          Personality- Mitsuki is a very reserved person and she always has an an glaring expression on her face. This doesnt mean shes shy to be the ultimate social media star you cannot be shy, she doesnt tell people how she feels most of the time. She puts on a mean girl act as a way to avoid getting close to people, to avoid getting hurt. She is typically very mean to people and doesnt like hanging out in large crowds. She can be rude and petty at the worst times. When she is with friends she is better but not to diffrent, of course she is less standodff-ish. She has a smile more and is less mean to her friends. Her ideal comedy is sarcasm and being mean to other people. Of course on social media she is not like this, she is your typical nice, wholesome and sweet influencer. Her personality wasnt always like this, social media made it worse from the combination of hate and praise she was getting, she likes to mask her inferiority compex with her attitude. She does not believe that despair or hope can make someone do something and she belives that anyone who does belive this is an idoit.
          MTBI- ISTJ


Theme song- Vegas, Doja cat
            Plan B- Megan thee stalion
            Savage megan thee stalion
            Levitating- Dua lipa
            Broken clocks- SZA
            I hate u- SZA
            Her outfit
            1. Done :)
            2. Third chapter double kill


She would try not to show it on the outside but she would be very shaken up and scared that she would be next. 
            She would 100% be terrified and scared. She would do almost anything to try to escape
            Fame- They are as famous around the world as she has been in commercials and guest appearances in tv shows, shes most 'famous' in japan, american and europe and most famous with teenagers.
            Her being seen taking a knife from the kitchen 
            A scene of her sitting across a chair reading a book
            "Only a idiot like you would believe in hope or dispear"
            "Shine bright like a diamond"
            "Dont underestemate a pretty face"


Mitsuki grew up in Atlanta georgia and was the youngest of five siblings, her mother was european and her father was a renowed business man. Her oldest sister grew up to be an excellent buisness man just like her father with meant she was always busy and never had time for the rest of her siblings. This became a pattern for the rest of her family, they would grow up become successful and leave. She wanted to break this trend so she began her social media career. The only sibling in the family who didnt do this was her brother Lorson, beacuse of this they are very close. She first got famous on social media at the age of 16 she was harrased and stalked by a man who did something to her. She tried telling her parents but they assumed she was lying, she couldnt talk to her siblings and hrew a hatred for her parents. When she turned 17 she and lorson moved to london together. This helped her social media out alot and two weeks after moving she hit 600 million followers with most who followed her being teenagers from the age of 13-21.
            Yorue Asumasu- Dad
            Emi Sorusuke- Mom
            Akira Asumasu- Sister
            Rumi Asumasu- Sister
            Aoi Asumasu- Sister
            Lorson Asumasu- brother
            Copy point
            Important people/things
            Her brother Lorson is very important to her
            Her golden ring that was given to her by her oldest sister
            Her diamond earings given to her by her brother
            Can fistfight
            Can speak japanese
            Lack of full self confidence
            (She knows shes 'pretty' but she doubts that anyone would ever love her, or if she will never have friends. She is really only confident in her body)
            Doesnt have good hearing
            Can have a one track mind 
            Annoying people
            Lazy people
            Her brother being hurt
            Her insecurities being used against her
            The opprotunity to be able to escape
