Justine Kristin- Her fathers sister
Mira Wikce- Grandmother
Mother- Stacy Wikce
Father- Noah Kristin
Brother- Josiah Kristin (16)
Likes- Rollerskating, Technology, drawing, chess, scary movies and Ice cream
Dislikes- Bugs, Dirty things, Cats, Social Studies, sports and Dirty shoes
Fears- The dark, Silence
Strengths- Technology, Math, science and socializing
Weakness- Social Studies, PE and apologising
Religon- Christianity
Love intrest- Yes!
She went to a parky and threw up on someones couch
She broke her brothers videogame console and never told him
She broke a expensive vase and never told her father
Relationship to your oc- She knows her from the AV club, she hasnt talked to her to much but is familiar
Opinons on the AV club- She loves it!
Mental illnesses/Disorders- Irlen syndrome
Is a senior
Has ears pierced and belly button pierceing
Has a buisness were she charges a dollar to take photgraphs for special occasions
"Sorry got lost in my head agian!"
"Did I ramble on agian?"
"Honestly I confuse my self"
Password done!