Hello fans :) I know i have uploaded in a while but i started a new story today so i'm typing it now. the prologue should be uploaded today. I haven't finished the first chapter.
hey i just deleted my story missing. i have absolutely no time to finish it plus i started it when i was when a dark place in my life and i'm not in that dark place anymore
sorry LilyxBug but i'm gonna have to post pone working on the next addition to Missing. I need to start on my summer reading. Also sorry to whoever else might be following Shelly's story. :( but i will try to work on it today :) thank you for being patient with me
to all that are waiting for the next chapter of Missing. i'm sorry i haven't worked on it lately but since it decided to rain where i'm at. i will work on it now. thank you.
hello fans. i just uploaded the newest addition to Missing. but i give you fair warning this chapter is very deep and for only the mature people. but if you think you can handle it go ahead and read