
I wanna apologize to all of you for not updating this whole time. The thing is that as I was traveling I wrote about four long chapters, but then something happened to my laptop and lost all my work. So I had to redo it , and with school starting I didn't had that much of time. I know I'm not really good at keeping promises but something happens everytime... I'll do my best to update soon. I am very sorry for letting u guys down. Much love


@QueenOfTheClouds18 Are you going to update last it was updated was years ago and there hasn't been any new updates since can you please let us readers know what happened for you to stop writing this book. I hope you will complete this book it was really good. 


I know it's been like 2 years since you last update. So I'm curious, are you really just gonna leave my heart like this? I wanted to read more, and I waited for a long time. Alas it's just a false sense of hope.Miss Author please update and take this discomfort away. I shall support you all the way. 
          PS. Please be health and continue to write more fabulous chapters on your book. ♥♥♥


hi! we are hosting a microtale contest. its about writing  tale under 30 words, yes you read it right, 30 words.it can be emotional, romantic, erotic, funny, horror, fantasy, anything but just in 30 words. here's the link for further details, rules and exemplary microtales : 
          pls participate if interested and share about it, someone might be interested in taking part, and as they say more the merrier. 
          its an invitation for you and anybody who wants to participate in this contest and not me promoting my book. thank you