
Check out my school account on wattpad. I posted a story I have to do for English. I hope you enjoy it. Its @Bre_TheWriter.


Here is another one.( from the same fanfiction)
          You can read Twilight over and over again.
          Not if you don't want brain damage or mental problems you can't.
          Stephenie Meyer did her research and found a place like Forks so the vampires could be outside. JK just made one up.
          The sparkles are so unique and creative. They're not stupid.
          Clouds and rain don't block UV rays, looks like SM forgot that during her 'research'.
          The characters change throughout the Twilight series as well. they may not be growing up like the Harry Potter Characters did, but they did change. The characters become more brave, stronger, loving, forgiving, etc. Each character changed in the Twilight books. Harry Potter characters changed as well, but they kept some of their bad traits with them.
          This is yet another example of the disgusting Mary-sue/Gary-stu -ness in Twilight. The fact that HP characters have bad traits makes them human.
          It has more female fans.
          HP has more fans. Period.
          I could bash twilight with common knowledge:
          Vampires don't sparkle, they kill people.
          I could bash twilight with logic:
          David Tennant plays both the doctor and Barty Crouch jr. Robert Pattinson plays both Edward Cullen and Cedric Diggory. BC jr. killed CD. So by extension the Doctor killed Edward Cullen. * does a happy jig *
          But I won't. I will bash Twilight by just pointing this out. Then, I will demand "what the hell is the meaning of this crap?! * holds up T-shirt bearing the words: 'I (heart) ur sparkle!'
          Also: A very good reason to listen to Albus Dumbledore:
          1991: "It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry." Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
          (god knows when): "the idea for twilight came to me in a dream" Stephenie Meyers.


That there, was a loooonnggg post