
Hey guys! 
          	Nope, I’m not dead, just incredibly busy. You know, preparing for finals and all.
          	I really shouldn’t have taken three AP classes.
          	But I promise the next chapter is almost done, I just need to find the time to finish it soon. I might post chapters at once to make up for not posting for month but that depends if I get all my work done.
          	Hope you’re all doing well! 


Hey guys! 
          Nope, I’m not dead, just incredibly busy. You know, preparing for finals and all.
          I really shouldn’t have taken three AP classes.
          But I promise the next chapter is almost done, I just need to find the time to finish it soon. I might post chapters at once to make up for not posting for month but that depends if I get all my work done.
          Hope you’re all doing well! 


Hey there! Haven't been on here for a long time! The second part of the Lila Hernandez trilogy, The Black Angel, will be out within this week! It will take some time to figure out a rhythm again, but I will try to go back to posting a new chapter every two weeks. Hope you all had a good summer break! 


And that concludes the end of Princess of the Ocean! The second book, The Black Angel, will be out sometime this fall. I'll be editing some of the older chapters, but for the most part, the first book in the Lila Hernandez trilogy is complete!


Hello! Hope you're all doing well. Chapter thirty six for Princess of the Ocean will be postponed until further notice. I was already supposed to post it last Friday, but I've been incredibly busy. Between finals and moving into a new apartment, I'm not finding much time to do anything. However, expect the chapter to be out no later than May 31. It'll possibly be out next week, I'm not sure. I just wanted you all to know that I'm definitely not backing out on this story abruptly for not posting a chapter last week. Good luck to those on their finals as well!