Tbh I'm tied of you low life ppl ... Ok so when ppl r around different ppl they act so fuckn stupid but then when them hoes leave they back in yo MFN face!!! Bitch ducess.... But I be so fuckn mad then ... Then u claim u DNT like or fool wid this bitch but nah u in ha face in the next 2 minutes?? I just DNT understand !!!!! So to you ppl that I though u were my bitch then oh MFN well I'm Finna do it bd see how you like the shit ok? Ok... I'm MFN done!!!
This MFN comment is indirect so if u take it to offense oh well.…!!!! Yuh fault nana done explaining !!!!...... #twofacedbitchs
-_- well tbh i have trust issues...I dnt feel sot bout my life rite now... ian got no questions on how im livin my lyfe i juss wish i could change that one main thing that bothers mee... :-( i dne been lie to nd had all types of ppl to go against!! -_- rite know im ova it......... i just dnt know what to do #whatidoknow#helpme#:-(