To anyone who is reading Written In Blood and/or is currently reading Maryn:
I wanted to apologize for the lack of updates on both Written In Blood 2 and Maryn. I know that chapter updates have been inconsistent or lacking entirely, and I thought it best to explain what has been going on behind the scenes.
For the past few months, I have been battling severe depression and anxiety. It has been difficult to provide consistent content on all platforms I’ve been a part of, as well as creating for myself in my personal life. Projects are left unfinished, or are never started.
With that being said, it is with a heavy heart that I announce I have taken down both Written In Blood books on my profile. I am deeply sorry to those who may have enjoyed the stories, or just started to read them. I felt that neither were my best work, nor were they the stories I truly wanted to tell. Yet even so, I was proud of them, and the experience helped me grow and learn as a writer.
However, I have been working on creating a new story that I think will be a fit replacement. It may not be a paranormal romance, but I hope that you’ll enjoy it all the same. More details to come. <3
As for Maryn, though I cannot provide dates or a schedule at this time, the story WILL be updated.
Thank you all for your love and support, and I hope to provide you with only my best work for you to enjoy. I hope you can understand the decisions I’ve made, and I thank you for taking the time to read through this update.
With love,