
Hello fellow wattpadians it’s been a long time since I’ve posted on this site and I’m really sorry,a lot has changed since I was last on here. I hope y’all are still reading and liking my books. I just retired this year,so I plan on getting the books finished that I’ve started and I hope you all will follow me on my journey because I really have missed you all. I f you have never read any of my books give it a try you may find out that you like them.Thank You Queen of Wolves


Hello fellow wattpadians it’s been a long time since I’ve posted on this site and I’m really sorry,a lot has changed since I was last on here. I hope y’all are still reading and liking my books. I just retired this year,so I plan on getting the books finished that I’ve started and I hope you all will follow me on my journey because I really have missed you all. I f you have never read any of my books give it a try you may find out that you like them.Thank You Queen of Wolves


Hello to all my followers,do me a favor and check out my friends book The Plant Lover this book is really awesome and the characters are really rad.If you are interested in reading something that you have never read before you really have to check out her book called I am The Plant Lover it is so cool,so please read it I really think that you will be amazed because I was.Thanx,Eugenia Houltze


Hello everyone I hope all is well in the wattpad world.As everyone can see I've changed all my book covers.I've been asking for someone to please edit my books,but I can't seem to get any help in this because my editing really sucks.If someone,anyone can find it in their hearts to help me on this I will give a dedication and a shout out..Please someone I really want to get the ones I've completed first so that I can get them published for real and make my dreams of becoming a published author a reality.


Okay it's me again,I'm creating new covers for my books.I would like some feedback on the new covers,do you like them or you don't like them? If you don't like them and you know of a better cover for these books send me a link to my email address houltzee@yahoo.com and I'll check it out,if I like it I may use it.If I use your cover I will give you a shout out and a dedication in appreciation for the cover.I really would like your input on the covers.Thank you all for supporting me and my stories.


Hello fellow wattpadians and friend,just a heads,up to let you know that I will probably be changing all my book covers due to the name change.I'm going to try and write something today so keep your fingers crossed.Thank you for all your support and kindness because all of you are what makes writing my stories worth it.Thank you as well to all of you who stood by me when my mom passed away,I feel blessed to have all of you in my life.Thank you for just being there for me you know who you are.If anyone out there can edit my stories please contact me at this email address houltzee@yahoo.com,if anyone applies you must be committed to completing them I can't seem to find anyone who will do that for me,in return I will give you a shout out and a dedication as well as a mention on my profile page.Any and all help will be much appreciated.


Sorry that I haven't posted in a while but with the passing of my mom and writers block the words just aren't there.I want to start writing again but I need something to get me motivated  so the words will come to me again.I really love you guys and I really appreciate all of my fans and followers because without all of you and your support and kindness there wouldn't be any books.If someone could edit my stories that would really help a lot.If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated..I would be happy to give you a shout out and a dedication to you in any of my books.This is my email address houltzee@yahoo.com.