Something funny that happened today. When I was in Music, I had a page open on Chrome that had pictures of Matthew Daddario being Alec Lightwood, because that's all you see when you search that amazhang character. So anyway, I was showing my buddy Diya, and I was refreshing my TMI fandom tab, and suddenly it turned into a 'Web Violation' thing because I was at school. You see, that's never happened before. So, I freaked out and closed the tab, which then moved onto my DC fandom tab. So I freaked out and shut that, and then my wattpad tab opened up, and I got another Web Violation. Which, again I freaked out and tried to click my Matt Daddario tab, in which I failed and clicked the one I had open from a few nights ago. And that website is not a thing you can have open at your school, which, of course, means I freak out again. All in all, the lesson ended with me yell-whispering to Diya to shut up. It caught the attention of most of our class, including the teacher. Today was good.