
Wow it’s been so long since I have been up here … I hope I still have the love and support of the readers following my books. 
          	I know if there’s one thing that hasn’t changed is my love for writing ! 
          	I hope all is going well in y’all lives ☺️


Wow it’s been so long since I have been up here … I hope I still have the love and support of the readers following my books. 
          I know if there’s one thing that hasn’t changed is my love for writing ! 
          I hope all is going well in y’all lives ☺️


Hello Queen,
          I am a huge fan, having read all your works here.
          I have been on a cliffhanger with the life of Avah Skye series like for ever. Are you going to finish the third book?
          It has been in my library for long. No update.


Hi there @justdotun ! So I’ve been a ghost on this app for sometime and right now I’m an cracking my knuckles and stretching my neck lol. When I started these books I was young !! Like … 16 (I think)  so I have a lot of catching up to do on this app. A lot has changed since. 
            I will be contemplating a third book. I’ll be reading the series I wrote year ago and will decided if a third book is needed for Avah. 
            Honestly , from what I remember, I feel like it would be an exciting adventure for her… 


Hey guys! I'm really proud to have readers as amazing as you all. If you like my books, I'd like you to send me a quick message. I plan on writing and actually publishing a book late 2018. I definetly want you all to be the first to know about my updates because, y'all input and encouragement has really meant a lot to me.  
          Message me, if you want to be kept updated or you have book ideas I can start up here to keep the flow going. Thank you so much ❤❤ 


Did not forget my readers ! Holidays been crazy I've had so many orders with customizing hats and shoes And what not. But I'll be updating soon, can't promise exact date. And also I hope everyone has had an amazing holiday and will have a fun and safe new years. Love yall, kiss the haters byebye & stive for excellence ! 


Just want to do a quick update ! 
          I have just started college #VSU and i've been busy with classes, also my phone has been broke for just about the entire month or 2. I want to apologise for being late and not updating. I have not forgotten about you guys/ladies. Ill try and update veerry very soon [since i got my phone back] not trying to keep yall waiting any longer then you have already been waiting.