
Hello, it is currently 1am, and I have been checking all my wattpads notifications bc recently I have been reading fanfics in Tumblr, then in here .  But as I was checking, I saw you guys loving my stories, and I started feeling bad for not updating for so long . I'm so sorry. I promise I'll be updating soon...especially the stories that only have one or two chapters publicly. I'll start making the plans for the chapters tomorrow and maybe start writing the chapters the same day. Have a good day,night or afternoon 


Hello, it is currently 1am, and I have been checking all my wattpads notifications bc recently I have been reading fanfics in Tumblr, then in here .  But as I was checking, I saw you guys loving my stories, and I started feeling bad for not updating for so long . I'm so sorry. I promise I'll be updating soon...especially the stories that only have one or two chapters publicly. I'll start making the plans for the chapters tomorrow and maybe start writing the chapters the same day. Have a good day,night or afternoon 


Hi everyone I know I have been gone for a long time but that is bc of school and bc I have not been inspired to write, but recently I been writing for House Solar little by little and there soon gonna be a new chapter.
          Anyway I hope u have/had a good day, night and afternoon 


Oh god...so I may have thought of a new House of the Dragon fic which would make it the fourth one...it would be a modern au one. Still, I'm debating because I felt like I already have made a lot of HOTD books (even tho there are three) but I do have another book idea that is not HOTD related it's more like Harry Potter related but yea...have to figure that one out.


Im alive....it has been five months since I have updated and the reason is bc I forgot I had stories out. Now I'm getting inspired again (Thanks to Rio and Rio 2 soundtrack who also inspired me to make House Solar), so maybe next week or this weekend I will start writing again...I got bored of playing the Sims so writing is gonna replace me playing 24/7. anyways have a good night, day, or afternoon.


yayy thank you Author, I’ve just started reading this book but is so good. I can’t wait for the new updates 