23-02-24, today I wondered.. aren't time and life absurdly intertwined? I look back to my childhood and puberty. Both the bright and gloomy memories..the desperate moments of doubt, moments of joy, those of fear and sorrow, scenarios in which I lacked all sorts of hope or empathy for myself.
How that was all I imagined "life" to be.
How I thought I would never get out of my little world to experience a different reality, how I labeled myself unprivileged and let it become an insecurity. When did all those milestones I looked forward to, cease to impress me? When did all my childhood dreams become a reality, then started to set the norm?
When did I stop being the terrified child, the one scared of whatever was called "the outside world", and adjusted to a life I never imagined to be part of.
I look around and realize, I am privileged, I have been lucky to have a great support system that believes in me, allowing me to change the lense through which I observe and savour this life.
Time played a role, circumstances and serendipity did too. They all intertwined to reshape a new world.
All of this fills me with gratitude, and I consider it a duty to pay this serendipity back. Now that I know it, that's the sense of responsibility I choose to to live with.