@QuenbyOlson, after the birth of my son I went through the same issues. I was down to 87 lbs, exhausted, and my hair was falling out. I have the same type of shitty insurance and was seeing an even shitter male nurse practitioner. I had a hyperactive thyroid and its common during the end or after pregnancy. I was put on medication and got worse. I was at another doctor for another health issue and after reading my chart and looking at me, the nurse there basically saved my life. The other doctors office had me in the wrong meds. They were treating me for an underactive thyroid and they told me to give them the meds. They threw them away and told me I was lucky to be alive. They said I could have had a stroke or a heart attack. My body was already trying to run a marathon even when I was sleeping, so when the meds sped my overactive thyroid up even more...well, I'm lucky to be alive. It's taken over 3 years for my hair to fill back in and I'm a healthy 124lbs. I'm short. So, my prayers are with you sweetie.