My name is CynQuest. I write stories that reflect on real life. Not my life but certain situations i like people to learn from. I started writing poems in the 3rd grade and have written and published many since then. I love to read also so if you have great stories im definately the one to read them. Thank you to all my followers
  • Syracuse, New York
  • InscritDecember 24, 2016

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QuestBest QuestBest Dec 30, 2016 11:45PM
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Histoires par CynQuest
Conscious Kills par QuestBest
Conscious Kills
Ayeesha and Jamaica been together for a long time as Lesbians. They had a good honest relationship unyil they...
Reign par QuestBest
urban fiction
ranking #28 dans la catégorie shortstorychallenge Voir tous les classements
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