*flutters in* So those of you who love the Underworld Chronicle series should seriously check out the Darkness Has Its Own Light series on ArchiveOfOurOwn—the first book is called Dark Prince, and the author is Spiced_Wine. It's based on Tolkien Mythology and Middle Earth (yes, LOTR and the Hobbit) which actually has its own gods and mythos! *flutters back out*
@carrie_bloggist It is! There is no mythology out there I love more than Tolkien's, and the Underworld chronicles reminds me of the Darkness Has Its Own Light, both in the positive and negative traits However, some of the speech does need to get used to since some of the main characters are so old they still use "thee" and "thy" and etc.
@Quintesque You should probably read up on the mythology of Middle Earth before reading it though, start with simple searches like Valar, Maiar, Gandalf, etc.