
delete button goes brrrrrr


Hello! Thank you for putting my book in one of the reading list it makes my day to see someone who enjoys my book!-Moonlight 


@QuivaMoonlight1 aww thank you I thought thta my writing sucked so thank you!


@AllisonPlayz_  awww no need to thank me when you are a underrated writer :3


Hello! You’re the only person who I know to be active on at least this site and the only person I know to have at least been on the discord, so I’m going to message you.
          A lot of events transpired today, and i don’t know if you have the ability to further contact the user who had the SBI Angst collection, but if you can I’d like them to know that I hope they’re doing okay. I plan on DMing them a message on Discord apologizing for some of the more rash things I did, saying why I was hurt by his actions, and offering assistance if he ever wants to get into writing, but idk if he’d look, first off, and I want to collect my thoughts more first. Most importantly, I hope he is doing okay.
          And sorry to you as well. I don’t know you’re status on the server and it didn’t appear to be that active, but nonetheless a group of people entered the space being hurt and acting on that emotion. Servers can often be a safe haven and I am sorry if I intruded on that.
          Best wishes <3


No worries! And you too :-)


@leggyman also I am not a writer so my grammer is horrible and don't really know how to be in these situation so have a good day I guess?


@leggyman Hello Sir I'm not really a formal person but I would like to say that the book is written by 2 persons one copied the other create the one on discord is the one that created the things. Sorry if I came a bit rude when I messaged you.