
Consumerism be damned I really wanted that keychain


I know stuff will not make me happy but god damn if torture dance trio doesn’t I don’t know what will


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Joestar Struck: Shocker but I think I might be aromantic because I got the neutral end (gaming bros) and I just. My dating sim track record is: murdered, asshole, and mario kart. Maybe I should go for someone else- I didn't think this would be difficult-


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Joestar Struck: I fucked up romancing Josuke *again* why- I'm sad now because this time it was straight up just my fault- I didn't mean to be an asshole I thought it was reassuring but apparently not and now I'm sad. I think I'd have better luck romancing Jonathan but now I have to get it right because I feel bad daljds;kf


Help I played a Jojo dating sim and I was trying to romance Josuke but Kira killed me before I got the chance-
          The dating sim is called Joestar Struck it's so much fun if you like Jojo's and dating sims are your thing I totally recommend it. My only complaint is that it was made before parts 5 and 6 were animated so there's no Giorno or Jolyne but like. There are worse things. Ugh I love this game time to try again with Josuke cause I got attached alkdjs