
I've just finished the most incredible book which I'd like to share with you all. Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. It's the original book version of the movie currently playing - the true story of a man kidnapped and sold into slavery in the antebellum South. IMHO it's superior to the movie, which itself is garnering rave reviews. I highly recommend the book for anyone who can handle the rough topic. btw, the book has much less graphic violence than the movie, and the dialogue is excellent. The version I read is available at 


I've started reading your book a while back on my mobile, which doesn't enable me to write a comment or vote. I decided to look you up on my pc, on which the above mentioned features and more can be accessed. I am very disappointed to see that the book is ongoing, as I have enjoyed every bit of it. Are you willing to continue? I think this has a lot of potential, and you are obviously a very brilliant author.


Hey Quor, I am just checking in to see how things are going. :)


@Alchenda Wow. Amazing.  I'm very impressed by your analysis. You're clearly skilled at noticing subtle characteristics of the protagonists. You've given me a lot of motivation to make Part II an even more compelling, and complex story. Thanks!!
            You more than earned that dedication!


            I agree with you completely. You have taken a scientific approach to forming an opinion, and it is admirable. Each side, whether opposing or identical to your own, has its reasons and logic, and should be studied without prejudice (even though sometimes people's logic is questionable). I am a strong supporter of basing my beliefs and opinions on proof. 
            It is difficult to say what I found 'most' interesting, as I was engrossed from the start and each character had their unique appeal. What I did love was Sam's personal growth. It appeared as though he saw himself through his students' eyes in the beginning: A delusional old man to be pitied and laughed at. Although he still appeared to lack self confidence in the end, he did find a source of strength within himself by trusting his instincts. He was able to distinguish reality from fantasy, even though what happened was almost magical, and that in itself showed promise of recovery from his PTSD.
            Dakota is lovely. Not only did she have to remain strong for herself, but she also seemed to have carried Stone emotionally through the loss of her legs. He depends a lot on her, and she handles the responsibility quite well. I do think she is less cheerful and unbroken than she appears to be, but the fact that she refuses to let her doubts show or control her future is a brilliant character trait in its own. I think you have pulled it off really well: She tries to be the best she can despite her circumstances, and thus be of more use than one would expect of a handicapped person.  
            Thank you so much for the dedication, it was really unexpected. :D


I've just finished the most incredible book which I'd like to share with you all. Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. It's the original book version of the movie currently playing - the true story of a man kidnapped and sold into slavery in the antebellum South. IMHO it's superior to the movie, which itself is garnering rave reviews. I highly recommend the book for anyone who can handle the rough topic. btw, the book has much less graphic violence than the movie, and the dialogue is excellent. The version I read is available at 


After too long an absence, I've posted a new chapter, currently Chapter 25. It's actually a new chapter inserted in the middle of the story, which is currently up to Chapter 30. All of the chapters from 25 and up have been moved one chapter ahead (what was 25 is now 26, etc.)
          During my time away, I tried writing a new and exciting short project which has tons of potential, but it never developed the way I intended. Getting back into this story proved harder than I thought, too. 
          The new material is based on a suggestion from Dean (Thanks!) that the story needed some more action to take place in Chile before the upcoming change of location. As usual, he was right on, and this new chapter fills in a few blanks.
          It's good to be back!


Thanks for the congrats! I've deliberately gone quiet over the last few months as I'm going full pelt with the last 20% of the novel. I'm not sure I'll post any more to Wattpad as I want to publish early next year. That said, I do want to find a way to thank great supporters of the novel (that very much includes you!) with some kind of free ebook of it - so one day you'll be able to read it all! Thanks as always! Ian