
Hey guys! I'm starting on my My Hero Academia Harry Potter crossover again! I'm excited to keep writing that book. I'll be jumping around alot though and not quite following the book exactly. Fight scenes might be a little diffrent the order or scenes too, and which books in the actual Harry Potter franchise will change as well. I'm really excited to fill this book with a whole lotta gay.


Hey guys! I'm starting on my My Hero Academia Harry Potter crossover again! I'm excited to keep writing that book. I'll be jumping around alot though and not quite following the book exactly. Fight scenes might be a little diffrent the order or scenes too, and which books in the actual Harry Potter franchise will change as well. I'm really excited to fill this book with a whole lotta gay.


Hi guys! Its Annie Kirkham here! I'm Eian's older sister. I wanted to announce that I will soon be posting a book called 'The Knight's Rainbow'. The first chapter will be published on August 25, 2020. It's about the main character, Iris Black, on her journey of discovering the truth about her family, and about herself. Join her on her journey about finding herself and becoming comfortable about who she is. Thank you all! Bye babies!


Hey guys, it's Eian here. I'm so sorry for being so inactive lately, I've been really stressed and depressed lately. I've been in the middle of a move and really been upset. I'm trying to update more for you guys, but my mental health is almost non-existent, and deteriorating rapidly. I just want to say thank you all for sticking with me threw this struggle. Thank you so much i love you all so fricken much!


So i decided I’m not going to start my book Secrets yet but I am going to start a new book, it’s a crossover between my hero achadamia and Harry Potter which I’m really excited about! The description of the book will tell you more! I love you all so go slay some demons and stay angelic, byeeee!!!!